Environmental BioOrganic Sciences ▸

We envision a world with Nature’s design restored to a healthy state with people aware of their impacts and their willingness in the means to sustain.

We are a company driven by innovators with a passionate belief in science.  We develop solutions that meet the needs of the present without compromising the resources of the future.


Global Micro Bio Technologies Laboratory building naturally derived microbiology in formulation to target specific organic material.
EnBioConcrete Industrial Contractor Sales to Landfill Waste, Coal Power and Mining industry with patent pending variations to remove metals from water, lock metals and other contaminants into soils for reuse and to cap contaminated soils to prevent leaching.
Enbiorganix Consumer sales and marketing to the domestic market with on-site wastewater systems that eliminate septic odors and sludge build up while restoring septic tanks and fields to a healthy working condition.
Enbiorganic Technologies A sales and marketing company of bioaugmentation within the water treatment industry including Algae HAB remediation for commercial,  industrial and municipal applications.
Terra Cibus Sales and marketing of naturally derived products from what is otherwise considered organic by-waste from agricultural operations. These products provide a sustainable solution that results in higher crop yields with lower input costs and has a notable positive impact on the environment.